CA Riggers & Rigging

Reverse wing riggers

Cadet boats are supplied with reverse wing riggers, just like Olympic champions!  We use high grade aluminium that is hard anodized for the best finish.

Note About Riggers

Our riggers are made from high grade aluminium, welded to the optimum design and hard anodised for a long lasting finish. All are adjustable for span, work height and pitch. We guarantee the accuracy of our span, work height and pitch, see website for details.

» Aluminium Euro riggers
Scull and sweep riggers using aerofoil profiles, with C bracket to hold the pin, mounted behind the rower.

All measurements are in millimeters or degrees.  ±3mm, ±0.3 degrees is the margin of error we work to.
Span and work height are calculated:

  • From the boat's center line, when the pin is in the MIDDLE position of the rigger block.
  • When the oarlock is vertically in the MIDDLE position of the pin.
  • From the curve around the hole in the seat top to the sill of the oarlock.

All rigger types are adjustable for work height and span.

Work Height Adjustment Work height adjustment Total Span adjustment per rigger
by pin washers by 10mm spacers by rigger height by height wedge
Reverse Ali Wing scull ±18mm ±10mm ±28mm ±19.5mm

Reverse Ali Wing riggers have ±10mm extra work height adjustment with Swift's "10mm spacers", Prod# Rig33 (1 set supplied as standard).

Rigging options

Cadet Mini rigger options

Work heightSpanLateral
height of rower
Recommended oarLengthOutboard
Small131470140-155cm (4’7”-5’1”)Short Cadet244-256166-181
Medium14.51510150-165cm (4’11”-5’5”)Medium Cadet256-268176-191
Large161550160-175cm (5’3”-5’9”)Long Cadet268-280184-199

Cadet rigger options

SpanLateral PitchRecommended
height of rower
Recommended oarLengthOutboard
Medium14.51510150-165cm (4’11”-5’5”)Medium Cadet256-268176-191
Large161550160-175cm (5’3”-5’9”)Long Cadet268-280184-199

+/-3cm adjustment for span, +/2.5cm adjustment for work height. Cadet oars have 12cm of adjustment, for more information see oar pages. Custom riggers are not offered.
The same riggers cannot be used on both the Cadet 1x and the Cadet Mini 1x.

Quick Release (for wing riggers)

Our wing rigger quick release system is precision made, easy to use and reliable.

Quick Release (QR) parts are the same height as our standard 10mm spacer. Therefore when QR parts are used adjustability of work height is reduced by 10mm.

For more information, please see the file "QR Installation".